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Cambridge University Geotechnical Society


Seminar overview:

Contracts T2 and T3 of the new Line C of Roma underground will be constructed in the historical centre of the city, in an area of great archaeological, historical and artistic value. Significant problems connected to buried archaeological remnants, the geotechnical characteristics of the soil, excavation below the water table, and the necessity of minimising the effects on the historical and monumental heritage are therefore expected. This presentation illustrates the methods adopted to evaluate the effects of tunnelling and open excavation on the existing monuments and historical buildings, with particular reference to contract T2.


Giulia Viggiani Joined the Department of Engineering at Cambridge as Professor of Infrastructure Geotechnics. Before this, she was at Professor at the Università di Roma Tor Vergata. She is the academic lead for the National Facility in Infrastructure Sensing, a new state of the art research facility in Cambridge, which is part of the UK Collaboratorium for Research in Infrastructure & Cities. She obtained a Laurea in Civil Engineering from Università di Napoli Federico II in 1989 and a PhD in Geotechnical Engineering from City University, London, in 1994. She has been MTS visiting Professor of Geomechanics at the University of Minnesota, and Academic Visitor at Imperial College (JLE-Link Project), and at the Max Planck Institute, Leipzig.


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Wednesday, 5 February, 2020 - 19:00 to 20:00
Contact name: 
Alessandro Fusco
Contact email: 
Event location: 
1 Newnham Terrace, Darwin College